Alex Zane, TV Presenter
Alex Zane, TV Presenter
Minus, Participant
Minus, Participant
Some guy on his computer at the Red Bull Music Academy
Mark Fader, Participant. At the Academy
Minus, Participant. At the Academy
Mujuice, Participant. At the Academy
Cohoba, Participant. At the Academy
B.Bravo, Participant. At the Academy
Scout Klas and Swede:art, Participants
Scout Klas and Swede:art, Participants
Sui Zhen, Participant
Sui Zhen, Participant
Henrik Schwarz and Bugge Wesseltoft, Lecturers
Henrik Schwarz and Bugge Wesseltoft, Lecturers
Plan B, Brixton
Miss Dynamite, plays Plan B, Brixton
Plan B, Brixton
CDR Special at Plastic People
Pick n Mix at Dalston Superstore
Pick n Mix at Dalston Superstore
3D Soundclash
Jazzie B and Dr Peter Zinovieff, Lecturers
Jazzie B and Dr Peter Zinovieff, Lecturers
May Roosevelt, Participant
May Roosevelt, Participant
DJ Food, At 3D Soundclash
Daddy Freddy at 3D Soundclash
Pick n Mix at Dalston Superstore
Pick n Mix at Dalston Superstore
Pick n Mix at Dalston Superstore
Pick n Mix at Dalston Superstore
CDR Special at Plastic People
The Queen of Hoxton
Rolla Disco, Vauxhall
Pick n Mix at Dalston Superstore
The Queen of Hoxton
Tony Nwachukwu, Team Member
Joe Goddard of Hot Chip, Lecturer
Maldita Fan, Lucrecia Dalt, May Roosevelt and Teri Gender Bender, participants


> Images taken as official photographer for the Academy, when it came to London for 4 weeks one summer.